Let us say you are an engineer writing a monthly status report.
Your report month by month goes to your immediate supervisor. The supervisor reads it and then puts it in a file for future reference. With this ongoing activity in mind, you know that the purpose of your report is to document. Your goal is to dump data and nothing else. You also know that your audience is highly technical, fluent in technical terms and abbreviations. Given your purpose and your audiaudiences technical level of understanding, you write a report, which has a dry, objective, impersonal tone. Thus, the purpose of report and sense of audience create tone.
This is not the only situation on which technical writing is necessary. Your tone is decided by whom you are writing to. You will have to write up or down. If you are writing up to a supervisor or manager, then you are writing to request action, or recommend action. If you are writing down to a subordinate, then you are writing to direst action. The tone changes from audience to audience. The tone for request, proposal or recommendation written up to a manager is positive, pleasant and polite. The tone for correspondence written down might be more authoritative.
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